
World Book Night 2014 - Be a Book Giver

Thank you so much for supporting me throughout Dewey's 24-Hour Read-A-Thon. I read almost 800 pages, which means I will be donating $80 to World Book Night US .

On the World Book Night website you can read more about the history of World Book Night. This post is to encourage everyone  to consider applying to be a book giver. Below I will just outline the highlights for GIVERS.

When: Books are distributed on April 23, 2014 UNESCO's International Day of the Book and Shakespeare's birthday. Applications are available today - January 5, 2014. Please pay special attention to the guidelines on the website. In the application you will also be asked three questions. Please think about your answers before applying.

  1. Where do you intend to give out the books?
  2. To whom do you intend to give the books?
  3. Why do you want to participate in World Book Night?
Brevity is NOT a plus in your answers: please be passionate and detailed. It helps. Up to 100 words. Thank you!

What: Give away 20 books of a single title (35 titles from which to choose)

Who: 25,000 volunteers distribute half a million books to those who don't regularly read, Encouraging reading in the teen and adult population, especially those who may not have access to printed books for reasons of means or geography.

The goal of World Book Night is to seek out adult readers wherever they are, in towns and cities, in public settings or in places from nursing homes to food pantries, low-income schools to mass transit.

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