

While you wait for me to read this book and report back, watch Kwame Alexander's


The Power of Yes, Solo and Kwame Alexander


This post is actually inspired by a TEDxHerndon Talk and not a book, but the book love is all up and through the TEDx Talk. 

The word creates the perception, but the work creates the reality.
There is so much truth for me in this statement. 2017 has been the year of yes for me.  I have said yes to serving on numerous committees and initiative teams in both my professional and faith communities. When I say numerous, I mean well over a dozen. Ironically, my word for the year is "enough." This word is to remind me that I am enough. I am smart enough, good enough, and worthy enough. This word is also to remind me that enough is enough. I have enough and I do enough. I often find myself saying yes to others in order to prove my worth to myself and others. However, saying yes to too many requests and opportunities leaves me exhausted and unable to do my best work, thus proving nothing, at least nothing of worth, to others. Saying yes doesn't make it so, doing the work after saying yes makes it so.

The noes are a part of life. I think we gotta learn to embrace the noes. They're going to happen. It's the way the universe works, but here's the cool thing; once all the noes have come to the party, and they go home and they're exhausted, what's left? The yes. And how many yeses do you need? You just need one.

I have a love hate relationship with writing book reviews. I absolutely love sharing books I love with others. I love giving a reluctant reader a book that may change the way they look at books and reading forever. I hate reviewing books and determining for others whether these books are "good" or "bad." To recap : promoting books = "YAY!" reviewing books = SIGH! One way authors and publishers determine who they should get to promote their books is by reading reviews. Soooooo a call went out for applications to be a part of the Solo Launch Team. I applied. Will they say yes?

The million dollar question : "How do you say yes to yourself and not let other people's noes defines who you are?


Dewey's Readathon - Opening Survey

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I am reading in Denver, CO

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?I am most looking forward to reading Asking for It by Louise O'Neill

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?I am most looking forward to enjoying some aromatic Good Earth tea while I settle in to read.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!I am a public librarian and former classroom teacher. I am also a Christian Friend(Quaker) and a labyrinth walker.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? This is my first working readathon. In past years I've had the day off from work. I  was able to read for the full 24 hours, or until I fell asleep. Today, I have 3 books in my TBR pile, and I know I probably won't finish them. Also different is that I only plan to read YA books. I am participating in the YALSA Hub Challenge, so today is a 2 birds 1 stone kind of deal.