
Third Month 2013-The Best Month Ever!

01 - I receive a job offer for my dream job while on a field trip to the Museumof Nature and Science

04 - I interview for a position with my dream library (The job itself is not ideal for me, but oh what a fantastic library ;-)

Here is where I go back and forth for a week: dream job v. dream library

11- I accept the offer for my dream job

18 - I started my new job as a professional librarian

19 - I said goodbye to my students and colleagues at school.

20 - I took my reading group across the street for our farewell group visit to the local library.

21 - Training day one for new job

22 - Outreach visit to local elementary school. I was so proud to be introduced as a librarian from their local library. Last day of school before Spring Break.

23 - Happy Birthday To Me. Despite the snow storm, I had a wonderful birthday party.

24 - I enjoyed Palm Sunday worship at a local Friends Church.

27 - Training day two for new job. Plan for Grand Reopening and Poetry Month.


Truth in Fiction - The Big Sea by Langston Hughes

The Big Sea

The only way to get a thing done is to start to do it, then keep on doing it, and finally you'll finish it.


WRAD Blogging Challenge Post 3

Week 3: February 24 - March 2
A Snapshot of My Reading Life

So this is a physical snapshot of my reading life. This is my meeting house library that has everything I look for in a cozy reading environment: natural sunlight, cozy chairs, warm blankets, drawers stashed with office supplies, and of course a host of good books.

04:30 wake up
05:38 read while riding the bus (commute is nearly 2 hours and one perk is reading time)
7:30 arrive at work
3:30 depart work
4:09 read while riding the bus
6:00 eat and read
8:30 sleep