
Truth in Fiction Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate


I felt the way you do the instant before you leap into the deep end of a pool.
You're on your way somewhere else. You're not there yet. But you know there's no turning back. Jackson p.5

You can be mad at someone and still love them with all your heart.  Dad p.98

My parents didn't have any work scheduled that day, so we headed to the public library to kill time and wash up. Jackson p.106

We stayed at the library most of the day. The librarian in the children's department even shared her sandwich with Robin and me. She had Ritz crackers, too, and she gave all of those to Robin.

After that, Robin decided that she was going to be a librarian when she grew up. If the animal scientist thing doesn't work out, I might become a librarian too.  Jackson p.107

I knew he was there and that was enough .

Sometimes that's all you really need from a friend.

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