
6 Word Library Story Winner

Congratulations to @GrammaofBoys for submitting the winning entry: Helping students find answers. Excellent grades!


National Library Week - Fourth Month 8-14, 2012

Today concludes National Library Week. This week has been great. I had the opportunity to share my experiences at the Colorado Teen Literature Conference and I was introduced to the You belong @ your library: 6 word story sweepstakes. The most highly rated story will receive Season 1 of Brad Meltzer's Decoded on DVD. Brad Meltzer is National Library Week Honorary Chair of National Library Week 2012. If you didn't participate in National Library Week here is your chance to get involved and have some fun.... VOTE! I would love to know the story that won your vote and why. If you are so inclined please share your own 6 word library stories. Comments are encouraged and welcomed

I thoroughly enjoyed the contest and wrote several of my own 6 word stories (more on that later). The winner will be announced Fourth Month 23, 2012.